- Industrial Development Area - Via Panizzardo management
- Desirable logistics/manufacturing Tpn1 "Cascinone"
- Convent - Convitto Angelo Maj
- Ecoforum merged opportunity
- Development landmark Grand Hotel complex
- Area Salvi Bonaventura
- Ex-Tovein area
- East Industrial Area - Decuman Lot
- AttrACT via Einaudi
- Processing industry - AT3 - Via F.lli Cervi
- Boselli 1 - via Repubblica
- Boselli 2 - via Carducci
- Frasteni 1 - via Torino
- Frasteni 2 - via Torino
- IMTA - via Lomazzo
- Former Martinetta Lot 1 complex
- Former Martinetta lot 2 complex
- Capergnanica artisan area AT.A01B
- Former Casalmaggiore Hospital
- Via Castelleone
- Radaelli
- S. Francesco
- Picenengo
- Via Riglio
- Via Mantova
- Corso Matteotti
- Via Ghinaglia
- Corso Garibaldi
- Area for transformation-San Bassano (CR)
- Sacchini area
- AttrACT Bertonico hub
- CIMI area
- Former Expo area
- Ex-INAM building
- Viale Lombardia building, 221/Via Aldina
- Via Casati building
- "Cava Borgonovo" integrated operation plan - Verano 1
- "Cava Borgonovo" integrated operation plan - Verano 2
- "Cava Borgonovo" integrated operation plan - Verano 3
- Arese-Lainate property complex, building E/13 sub. 721, 722, 723
- Arese-Lainate property complex, building E/13 sub. 718, 719, 720
- Arese-Lainate property complex, building E/13 sub. 715, 716, 717
- Arese-Lainate property complex, building E/13 sub. 712, 713, 714
- Arese-Lainate property complex, building E/13 sub. 709, 710, 711
- Arese-Lainate property complex, building E/13 sub. 706, 707, 708
- Tecnocity area
- Lot TC1 - AREA
- Former cotton warehouse redevelopment
- Former HSR school
- OVI farmhouse
- Sesto space
- Benetti
- Mantova Banca
- Peli
- Cottarelli
- Former Gimpel
- Faiplast
- Former Fiba
- Former Zanini e Zambelli dolls
- Former Benedictine Convent complex
- Campolongo area
- Canale Dugale area
- Negrini area
- Edilisirmione Srl buildable area - PL La Stazione
- Smeraldo buildable area - PL La Stazione
- Rover Scalo snc buildable area - PL La Stazione
- Roverscalo srl buildable area - PL La Stazione
- Former "G. Serini" retirement home of the Fondazione Isabella Gonzaga ONLUS
- La Grangia
- Spalto Badesi
- Villa Cantoni Marca
- Building designated for tourism hospitality called "Ex Infermeria Monastica"
- Buildable area with productive designation owned by the municipality named "P.I.P. Località Bardelle"
- Privately owned building designated for production named "Ex Lombarda Prefabbricati"
- Buildable area with private productive designation named "Area produttiva Strada Romana Nord"
- Municipal Artisan Zone
- AECOC1 AREA Via della Libertà - Via Divisione Acqui
- Mottella Italia 3 - Existing private building
- Felonica Station artisan area zone
- Development in Artisan Zone
- Casteggio - Retraining San Gaudenzio 1
- Casteggio - Retraining San Gaudenzio 2
- Castello di Mirabello
- Piazzale L.Longo
- Former Zanardi Barracks - Via Kennedy-Via Marsala warehouses
- Former Zanardi barracks - Via Marsala side
- Former retirement home
- Former Zanardi barracks - lot 3-4
- La Filanda
- Former Isola Masino Hotel
- Former paper mill
- La Fornace
- Production Development Plan - Industrial zone of Southwest Sacconago
- Former VIBO di Berzo Inferiore industrial area
- De Berenzani (Via Sesto area)
- Realtek building
- Former piggery area
- Valdaro area LOT 1
- Valdaro area LOT 2
- 1
- 2
- …
- Next 24 items