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Our services

Invest in Lombardy is your investment partner: we provide assistance for international companies planning to set up in or expand business in Lombardy, offering a dedicated and professional service at any stage of their project.

Finding the right location

Lombardy can provide you with a wide range of settlement solutions. From offices to warehouses, from industrial plants to Greenfield lands, we help you identify the most suitable locations for your company.

Invest in Lombardy can help you to find the best locations for your business through its dedicated network of local public institutions and private partners (such as real estate agencies, business centers, incubators, technological and science parks). We can accompany you during the single visits and assessments.

We can help you with:

  • Research and selection of suitable locations for your business (offices, temporary offices/shops, industrial properties and more)
  • Assistance in the location assessment
  • Support on the field visits
  • Facilitation in the connections with the territory

Facilitation in relations with the Public Administration at all levels and support in administrative procedures

Feel like at home: we facilitate and foster the connections with private and public stakeholders on the field.

Invest in Lombardy can share with you the valuable extensive knowledge of the territory by providing you with direct links and facilitations to national, regional, and municipal governments, international foreign offices representatives, Chambers of Commerce, associations, universities, and local authorities in general.

We can help you with:

  • Relationship with institutions and authorities on incentives, regulations, and timing
  • Organization of thematic roundtables with public and private stakeholders
  • Managing of the contacts and meetings with the officials and related follow-up

Business Intelligence: sectoral insights and analysis of the Lombard ecosystem

We provide useful information on your sector / market and help you evaluate the growth opportunities of your business in Lombardy, one of the four engines of Europe, which alone produces almost a quarter of Italian GDP.

We can help you gain information and data for: 

  • Sector and market analysis
  • Analysis of competitors and potential partners
  • New market opportunities for your company
  • Data collection based on specific requests
  • Business environment and investment conditions

Starting your own business: support for opening the company

Starting your business in our Region takes little time. Find out how.

Invest in Lombardy guides you personally through the process of setting up your business. You need to know the steps to follow and the correct actions to take.

We are able to provide support with: 

  • Identification of the most appropriate company form and support for registration
  • Assistance in drafting documents and handling other bureaucratic procedures
  • Selection of the most qualified professional services suppliers and introduction to consultants selected by us through the Partner Program
  • Overview of the tax issues related to the company

Networking and Business matching

Invest in Lombardy is able to introduce your business into the lively Lombard entrepreneurial ecosystem, in order to present you the exceptional business opportunities that our Region offers.

We can also guarantee a wide range of historical locations in the heart of the Milanese economic and cultural district, both for existing events and for personalized opportunities for the promotion and the expansion of your company’s network. 

We can help you with: 

  • Support in relations with the Lombard business community
  • Participation in seminars, webinars, and round tables (both live and online)
  • Discounts on contact networks and dedicated events
  • Access to premises of historical buildings
  • Complete organization and promotion of events

Recruiting valuable human resources

Human resources are the main asset of a successful business. We help you identify the best ways to select the right people for your company.

A key-factor of your strategy is the identification of your staff: your company can benefit from the outstanding network of universities, research centers, incubators, and recruitment-head hunting agencies of the Region.

We can help you with:

  • Assistance in choosing the most suitable staff recruitment channels for your business
  • Links with public institutions and private players in the education and recruitment fields
  • Support on the preliminary steps of the choice and selection of your staff
  • Support in finding data and costs on the labor market

Financing the business and accessing the incentives

We provide up to date information on regional and national incentives, we connect you the financial community and banking system, we assist companies in the step by step calls for proposal procedures. 

Invest in Lombardy, through the extensive network of private partners on the territory, can help you with:

  • Overview of the incentives available: grants, loans, and bilateral agreements with the institutions
  • Connections with the financial sector and access to credit
  • Facilitation in the negotiated procedures and interaction with the public sector

Technical consulting: knowing and dealing with the legislation

When starting up your business, you need to have the right information and obtain the necessary permissions to speed up business operations.

Invest in Lombardy is at your complete disposal when it comes to understanding local and national laws and regulations. We offer assistance in the management of documentary practices and in obtaining the necessary authorizations, supporting you in the relationship with the local administrations. 

We can help you with: 

  • First support on technical issues (environment, urban planning, real estate, etc.)
  • Employees’ visas (thanks to the support of the National System)
  • Health authorizations
  • Building permits
  • Municipal regulations

Expand or relocate your company

If you’re thinking of moving and are looking for more suitable spaces or if you are looking for new opportunities for your daily operations, we can support you in finding new and existing locations.

We can also provide you with the assistance in managing the relocation of expat workers and support you in the actions necessary to bring back your activities in Lombardy.

Invest in Lombardy, thanks to the settlement opportunities sponsored by the AttrACT Program, its private professionals network and its close contact with the Municipalities, is able to help you with: 

  • General support to the expat workers in the relocation process in the regional territory
  • The definition and presentation of the characteristics of the “territorial offer” of the Region
  • The search and selection of suitable spaces for your business (offices, temporary shops, industrial properties, and much more)
  • Managing contacts with the Municipalities, real estate agencies, business centers, incubators, scientific and technological parks, and other market players.

Professional Partners

Thanks to Promos Italia we can connect foreign investors with a network of professional trusted partners and help them land softly in Milan and Lombardy

  • Accounting
  • Architecture and Engineering
  • Consulting – Funds and Growth
  • Global Professional Services
  • Legal
  • Human Resources
  • Notary Services

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us

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